A human life is missing the greatest richness available if one
has not had deep meditative experience. It is supreme bliss and ultimate ecstasy to
enter into the field of one's own Consciousness and find inner Peace.
The Mantra Meditation method is simple.
The result is phenomenal.
Mantra is the ultimate tool for training the unruly mind and
gaining control of your inner mental state.
We use a Mantra in time with our breath, to stop the chatter of our minds
and return us to our center of Peace. Our minds cannot stop functioning,
so we focus them on mentally repeating a spiritual vibrational pattern with our breath.
Once our attention is freed from the
incessant cyclic chatter of inner dialog, our energy bodies awaken.
Our minds cannot do no-thing, so we direct them to do one-thing,
vibrate with a sacred mental sound pattern that will free our awareness.
You cannot use any sound as a Mantra. We are beings of vibration. Our organ
systems, emotions, and minds all vibrate at specific vibrations. A Mantra is a set
of very specific vibrations that awakens our energy bodies. Our energy bodies are
our subtle and powerful natural bodies resting upon our pure consciousness.
Meditation is for experiencing, so set aside the mind. Let your thoughts fade
and dedicate your thought energy for twenty minutes to a mantra, one sound per breath.
If the monkey mind takes the baton and brings up thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow,
then simply return to here and now: the mantra and your breath. Patiently return again
and again to the mantra and your being. Patiently regain possession of your being.
Mediational practice takes time to perfect, but is extremely beneficial and healing.
Embrace pure experience of the present.
Center and be your source Consciousness.
Do not focus on emotions, feelings, or effects: be here now with your breath and the mantra.
All thoughts, emotions, feelings, and effects are temporary waves which arise and pass way.
Be here now with peace of mind. Expect nothing and experience your unique being.
The method is to chant the mantra with a silent breath and split larger
words to match the breath, so that the chant would cover both the out-breath and in-breath.
Different mantras, having different vibrational qualities, affect our being differently and
tune us into different time-streams of spiritual consciousness.
Sacred Mantra Vibration: AUM (OM, Ahmen)
There are universal sounds beyond needing language to understand.
Like settling into a comfortable place to sleep when very tired, one will say 'Ahhh...', and any human will understand your pleasure.
Like a cool glass of water when one is hot and thirsty, one will say 'Ahhh...', and any human will understand your pleasure.
If one tastes wonderful food, one will say 'UMmmmm' and any human will understand your pleasure.
If one is getting a massage that is delightful, one will say 'UMmmmm' and any human will understand your pleasure.
Like getting an idea for the first time, one will say 'Ahhh...' and any human will know you got it.
If one then sits back to contemplate the implications of the new idea, 'UMmmm...'
and any human will know you are contemplating it deeply and assimilating it.
These two sounds together form the essence of the mantra 'AUM'.
Breath out 'Ahhhh'.
Breath in 'UMmmmnn'.
Let the out-breath flow naturally into the in-breath.
OM is an alternate spelling where the 'O' is like 'sow', 'out', or 'down'.
Note how different dialects and people of different languages pronounce the same words differently.
Mental sound is much more complex and rich than physically spoken or sung words;
Therefore let the sound of AUM be natural for your unique being.
Be the conscious perceiver in that silence.
Ahmen: is a later tradition of the mantra AUM.
If you wish, breath out 'Ahhh...' and breath in Mmmmennn...'.
- True meditation will result in Peace of Mind.
- Mantra Meditation is the means to take control of your mind
and give you power over your life.
- Silent Mantra Meditation will introduce you to the psychic level of Intuition.
- A quiet mind allows experience of the center, the Light of living Consciousness.
- Consciousness is the transcendental essence that knows the body, emotions, and mind.
- You can meditate anywhere that you can rest your body.
- Countless healing effects of the physical body have been documented
to result from twenty minutes a day of mantra meditation.
- Emotional clarity and healing, and mental clarity and healing
will result from a regular practice of mantra meditation.
- In group meditation each additional person in the group
adds an exponential amount
of additional energy which will be available to all.
I AM that I AM
Let us start with the Basis: Ahhh - Haaa
Humans say this when they get something new, a revelation.
Based upon this we come to the sanskrit 'I AM'.
A-Ham (Ah-Hum), 'u' as in put.
This preceded the Old Testament's story for the divne being 'aham Aham' = 'i am that I AM'. .
'A' represents Anuttara, the supreme divine.
The Mantra allows one to recognize the personal 'i'
as within the Divine Being, the great 'I' of the totality as Unity.
A related mantra is: Soham (sah - hum).
A powerful Tantric mantra is: SAUH.
More Sacred Mantras
One will notice that 'Ahhh' is part of many sacred vibrations.
These vibrations bring balance and healing when one breaths them.
To heal and return to balance consider these Mantras:
Gaia -- In-breath gai and out-breath Ahhh.
Terra -- In-breath gai and out-breath Ahhh.
This brings us to the ancient Mantra set: Yin and Yang.
The pronunciation would be more like 'Yeem and Yaun'.
These represent the divine feminine (the Goddess, the Soul)
and the divine masculine (the Godhead, the Spirit).
The divine feminine precedes the divine masculine:
receptivity of divine will or inspiration potentates true creativity.
Together they are the Circle, the Way: Wholeness and Unity with the Totality.
This is also the Name of the Goddess Kuan Yin:
Guan Yin, Guan Yim, Kuan Yim, or Kwan Im:
= Yuan - Yeem (Yang - Yin).
Thus in duality we have:
Shekinah (Goddess) and Yahweh or Jehovah (YHVH - Godhead):
Yahweh was from the Sanskrit Rig Veda long before the old testament.
Inhale: She Ki (long i) - Exhale: Nah
Inhale: Yeh Ho - Exhale: Vah.
Which brings us to the pronunciation Yahweh: Inhale: Yah - Exhale: Veh
and here one must note the sacred Native American sound Hey Yah.
One may also consider Breathing in Hallelu and breath out Yah (Hallelujah)
and the Aramaic breath in Ellah, breath out Ahh. (Ellaha = god as unity).
Also related is Allah. Breathing in and out the syllables.
The sacred names of Goddesses and Gods are Mantras or vibrational frequencies to
bring balance and healing. Consider the Hindu pantheon and understand that the
personified 'Gods' and 'Goddesses' were a way the ancients preserved the sacred art of
sound healing and empowerment, the supremely divine science of vibration, the key to the Cosmos!
The 'Gods' and 'Goddesses' were aspects of the one supreme (Anuttara).
Work with Radha and Kree-shnah (Krishna, Christ).
This brings us to the ascended master of Love: Yeh-shua
(Yeshua, usually translated as Jesus).
Also one may work with the angel's names and their energies.
*** Work with sacred vibrations from the tradition which you are drawn to.
This is a life long process of refinement.
Multiple Word Mantras:
Multiple word mantras are sometimes easier than single focus one word mantras for beginners.
The four breath mantra: 'Aum, Mani, Padme, Hum':
Aum thought during an out-breath and in-breath.
Man (maun) thought during an out breath, then Ni (knee) thought during the in breath.
Pad (pod) thought during an out breath, then Me (mah) thought during the in breath.
Hum (hoom) thought during the out breath, then a silent in-breath.
- Om is the universal spiritual energy,
the living source of our beings and the whole river of life
as one within the Earth's body and Universal Being.
- Mani is our awareness recognizing our inner beings
as clearly as crystal, beautiful as gems, and priceless as jewels.
- Padme is the unfolding of the lotus flower of our being
through the opening of the energy channels as blossoms within us.
- Hum is our compassionate and loving Hearts,
the center of our being where the universal energy circulates as love.
This mantra in words is:
'the WORD makes us clear as a JEWEL for our Light to shine through and
unfolds the LOTUS flower of our life with the LOVE of our HEARTS'.
Another very fine and extremely powerful mantra is:
Om Namah Shivaya
AUM NaMah ShiVa Ya (again for 4 breaths).
Yah- (silent inbreath)
The Word (AUM) representing the Supreme Totality or Unity Consciousness
dwells within or is clothed with Earth (Na), Water (Ma), Fire (Shi), Wind (Vi), and Ether (Yah).
When the inner Consciousness (Shiva) joins with the totality
of the manifest Energy of every unfolding creation (Shakti)
There is blissful and ecstatic Union.
And here is an eight sylable mantra praising the Goddess of all Creativity
which wakes Consciousness, Stimulates Consciousness, and absorbs Consciousness:
Aum Bhagavata Devi Shakti Shakti Shanti Hum
You have most likely had instants of the Enlightened view, but have no context or
words to describe or relate the experience within the flow of your understanding.
Perhaps it was seeing a newborn's eyes, or the eyes of a child in wonder,
or the eyes of a lover or a friend or the twinkle in an elder's knowing eyes.
Perhaps it was sitting in nature and settling into a still inner space,
watching a sunset or experiencing a river or sitting with a tree,
and grasping your luminous connection to nature.
Consciousness is luminous and it illumines an unfathomable Mystery.
We are beings of Consciousness and our worlds hang upon our Consciousness
like pearls upon a thread of time.
Mantra Meditation is a way to embrace the awareness of our Conscious Light and
to engage the divine spirited Mystery within which life flows.
You now have the keys: open the door!!!
We are one.
As we embrace the divine vibrations of being through Mantra,
we feel that oneness and our energy grows exponentially.
We are the healing power.
Many blessings to you.