Spirit in Service:
Statement of Purpose and Intent
To engage in research
into the nature of the order
and underlying principles of the universe
as they relate to a spiritual world view;
with the awareness that
humanity's conception of the universe
governs our present conduct
and determines our visions for the future.
To engage in research into the relationships
within the Unity of creation;
specifically between humanity and the spiritual whole,
humanity with the Earth,
the individual to society and culture,
and person to person:
for the purpose of healing the present condition.
To engage in research into the
methods, values, and potentials
of spiritual practices
(such as prayer, meditation, chi gong,
art, music, dance, hiking, laughter,
mathematics, physics, programming,
sustainable farming, space exploration, etc.)
that they may become a catalyst for
personal and community transformation
through embracing the wonder
within the ordinariness of daily life.
To help people to develop their faith
in the spiritual nature of existence
and the value of love:
thus, inspiring them to improve themselves
and eventually enkindling in them a purpose
to benefit humanity
by improving the society
in which they live.
To inspire and train people to use spirituality,
the fullness of their consciousness,
in ALL aspects of their lives;
for all is one
amazing, glorious, mysterious,
ordered Unity.
To engage in other spiritual,
educational, and charitable
work consistent with the foregoing purposes.
To provide sacred space
where people may meet and gather
to carry out these purposes.